Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So far, internship has proved to be an exciting and wonderful experience. I have only had one day at my workplace, but I am already interested and involved in what is happening at the workplace. I will record a log of what happened throughout the day to provide better insight about my first day at internship.

Rising from bed was not a problem, as I woke up at 7 am, if only to go to the bathroom. The next few hours were spent interacting with my parents and getting ready for the day, gathering papers I would need and packing the camera in a bag which I decided to bring along, and also grabbing a notebook which I could use to take notes, not to mention a lunch. We set out for Bay Park Pet Clinic at around 9:40 am, since my work hours will be from 10 - 4, as that is when everything tends to happen around the clinic, according to my mentor.

We arrived at the clinic a little after 10, and my dad saw it fit to take a picture of me outside the clinic.

As you can see, I was relatively overdressed... I personally blame our teachers, as they told us to overdress for the occasion. The entry to the clinic is behind that white fence you see me in front of, through glass doors that only human hands are able to open (fortunately). The doors are mostly window, so you can also see what kind of critters are inside the office before you bring your shy, timid pet that hides at the sight of another animal into the office.

My father and I entered the building, and I greeted Amber the receptionist. She brought me back and let me put my things down, then led me to the back room where the examinations and operations are done. The room itself looked something like this from the back corner.

The door on the left is how you enter and exit the room; the shelf contains some medications and some other random supplies, like tissues and febreeze (the most important supply). Calendars, pictures, and drinks also decorated this wall, as well as a few muzzles and other doggie and kitty supplies.
There were also a few... interesting things around the area, which were quite hilarious to look at. I got the feeling that I would fit right in with these crazy people, especially if they're messing with each other in ways like this. Everyone was very friendly, and helped me get into the flow of things, and didn't mind when I asked questions about what was going on.
I was also given knowledge I had at that point already gathered - my attire was not very appropriate for veterinary work. Jeans and a tee shirt would work fine. I laughed and told them that I had figured as much, and I would dress better when I returned on Friday. Most of the people wore scrubs but they said it was okay if I didn't wear one - after all, I wasn't actually a doctor or a nurse there, and wearing them might confuse the people around me.

The day mostly consisted of me shadowing people, following them around and getting a feel for the kinds of things that would be happening around the clinic. I saw all sorts of things, from X-Rays to Cyst removal to dental cleanings, to even seeing a poor doggie who had been bitten getting stitches. I was not allowed to take pictures of the animals but I was allowed to take pictures of the scenery, so I took some pictures of the area where some of these tasks are done, and one of the cages that the smaller animals are held in (when not being worked on).

The top image is one of the operational rooms - the main room also has a table that is worked on, and a lot of work is done on the floor for bigger dogs, but little mister 'I got bitten' got stitches on that table. There's all sorts of medical supplies in this room, and through the glass is the X-Ray room, where x-rays of the animals are taken to get a better look at their insides. The above cage is where one of the kitties there for dental was being kept, while he was getting his dental cleaning done. There's a paper litterbox and a water bowl, as well as a towel for the kitty or doggie to lay on to keep comfy.

The pictures above are from the blood sampling room, and a computer with pet records is also in this room - then again, there seems to be one of those in every room! The walls were lined with papers and more often than not, someone was in here doing something important. I got lucky and was able to sneak in and take a few pictures during a slow point in the day. It seemed like there were either a bunch of pets that needed to be taken care of at once, or there was nothing to go around and everyone was free to just converse with one another.

Most of these conversations are about either the ladies' lives or the events going on. One of the conversations slipped into money matters, and listening in helped me understand how economics and the recession has affected the clinic. They're a popular clinic, so it seems at first as if they wouldn't be affected, but there were some animals who were brought in a few days after something happened- one dog was brought in three days after he ate a flea soap bar! Prices of medication also tend to go up, at least on a yearly basis. One patient was complaining that the price of medication had gone up since the last payment, which is understandable, especially in a business involving medicine, which has been affected by the recession and economic crisis.

Lunch was a little confusing. It's not so much 'Lunch' so much as 'Okay, so take a break sometime and eat something.' I ended up eating when there were no pets that needed work so I wouldn't be caught off guard by some animal who wanted my lunch. Naturally, I'll have to bring my lunch each day due to dietary needs, but at least I'll constantly be around if I'm needed for something. I also didn't mind eating late, even if it was about two or so hours after I'm used to eating and I was getting awfully hungry.

The day was eventful, but mellow at the same time. I must say that I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of my time working there.

And remember...



  1. Your office looks like everyone works hard, but still knows how to have fun. Keep posting pics it helps us get a feel for your "office"life.

  2. wow working at a vet seem like it would be fun, especially for me since I love animals so much. Do you really want to be aa vet when you grow up? If so, then how long have you know you've wanted to be a vet?
