Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Before I begin, I would like to formally apologize for not posting blog entries yesterday and the day before. I can assure you, though, that this has nothing to do with a lack of interest in posting them, or a lack of wanting to post them. I was unwell yesterday and the day before, unable to attend internship due to a doctor's appointment and a general state of unbeing. Thus, there was no way for me to gather sufficient information relating to any sort of material that would be presented in blog format. I will try to make up for it in any way I can, though.

(Tonight's entry is being done at 9:55 pm because I didn't get home until 6 and then was trying to relax after a long day, if you're wondering.)

Project ideas have been bounced around the workplace experimentally; but nothing has officially been settled on as of yet due to this only being my third day of working around the clinic. Our ideas mostly revolve around me watching the proceedures and getting a feel for how things work- naturally, however, this does not advance the needs of the workplace, as my ability to tell you that an ultrasound machine is used to collect urine samples, or that, when under effects of the anaesthetic, animals may need assistance breathing, or that a dog or cat's normal temperature is around 100 degrees farenheight does not at all benefit the workplace, except maybe by saving them a question in the future that I wouldn't be able to ask if I weren't interning there. Although, musing about these random facts I've learned has given me an idea- some sort of flyer that I could make, that would be at the clinic, and feature some things you should know when treating your pet at home. It could feature information I've learned, utilize design skills I've developed over the years, and potentially save the doctors and nurses a lot of stupid questions.

As far as materials go... A pencil, paper, a way to keep notes on what I learn (which I've found is quite easy to do on the iPod touch my brother gave me- no worries, I don't bring my headphones with me), and a computer- which I can work on mine at home for. I can make drafts of possible fliers and show them to the doctors and nurses and see what they think, then make the necessary revisions. It may not be effective for the current store, but they are probably going to be moving or opening a new shop soon, and it would definitely be helpful to new clients and new pet owners.

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