Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So once again, I am restrained by my lack of ability to take photos. So, I decided to do something a little different...

This is a kind of short-comic illustration of things that happen every day I've gone to internship. Panel 1 is arrival, greeting the people at the front when I come in through the front door. After I clock in and put my stuff down, we reach panel 2, in which I've entered the back room and look up at the list of what animals are in house or what animals will be coming in, and what's going on with those animals (there was at least one dental every day, though). Panel 3 illustrates me keeping the (normally) sedated dogs company while they wait for whatever they're there for to start. Since I can't restrain the dogs while they're being pricked, I figure the least I can do is keep them company while everyone else is doing things like that. Panel 4 is actually not random - it's Rocko's Tacos! Rocket, or Rocko, is a parrot that lives in the clinic, and who we will interact with on a daily basis. He often tries to sneak into the room while we're working, too, even though he's not allowed to. Also, he mimics noises that happen around the office... so we'll randomly hear the phone ringing and it'll be him. And finally, panel 5 is what happens at the end... I say my goodbyes, clock out, and head on home.

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