Thursday, January 21, 2010

INTERNSHIP BLOG the 5622nd or something

Here's an image for you.
The clinic really is like a chaos field. There's so much going on... and yet, so little. It seems like one moment everyone's busy and the next we're chatting about movies and ex-boyfriends. Internship has really given me a feel for the way that people act around each other and their non-human companions. It has inspired me to try and spend a little more time with my own K-9 companion (when I am not busy with school!) and to put more effort into what I do - take a more active role, ask more questions, and generally ask if I can do anything to help. When I ask more questions and offer more help, I am generally a bigger help, and I learn more, as I have noticed with what has been going on. The first few days I was quiet and timid, and only kind of watched things, but lately I have been offering my help and people have been asking for it as well - I just need to work on being out of the way when people are trying to pass through an area and I should be fine!

A few possible questions I can ask Dr. Roper are...
->Why did you decide to pursue acupuncture?
->What inspired you to pursue a career in the veterinary field?
->Where did you work before you purchased Bay Park Pet Clinic?
->What has your most interesting experience working as a vet been?
And, as cheesy of a question as it may be...
->If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would that advice be?

I have also been casually asking him about other things, like his experience in vet school and what training was like, which gives me a bigger insight about what the field is like, since I myself have taken an interest in the field from working around the clinic. We also talk about other things, like the animals and how my own bighead is doing, and my family, too, since Dr. Roper is friends with my family.

1 comment:

  1. I love the detail you put in your blogs. It seems like you are learning a ton from Internship. Keep up the good work!
