Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The Important Things...
#1- Observation
There is nothing more important than observing the people at the clinic do what they do. It is a way to learn without hindering the abilities of others, and if questions are asked the experience becomes all the more worthwhile. By observing, I am able to reach basic conclusions and understand what is going on without asking unnecessary questions that would get irritating and repetitive if I were to keep asking them whenever I wanted to know something I could learn just by watching.

#2- Conversation
When it comes to a workplace, conversation is key. It is needed to communicate what is going on from place to place, and it also helps for everyone to get to know each other. As someone who has trouble working in groups, I am finding the need for conversation to be something that has stimulated my mind and caused me to start adjusting to working with other people, as well as listen better and find appropriate times to make comments and react to situations.

#3- Assisting
The final, and my favorite, part is to be able to help. Whether it's just holding something in place for the doctor or getting supplies for people, it always makes me feel good when I can do something to help, and flat-out useless when I can't. To be able to help, to do something, for me, is the biggest accomplishment that I can make, and it makes me realize that you have to do something in order to be able to feel proud of yourself for it.

1 comment:

  1. did you draw those?

    werent you like really nervous to work with the animals
