Sunday, January 10, 2010


Work at Bay Park Pet Clinic has definitely been an interesting experience so far. I am having a lot of fun, be it from watching the procedures and playing with the animals to chatting to the nurses and asking them and the doctors about how things work around the office. I have had a lot of interesting experiences there, including watching a dog get spayed! I am not allowed to take part in the procedures and I have to be extra-careful around the animals, though, since if I get hurt then I'm in for a lot of trouble. I have had plenty of fun just being around the area, though. I've also been able to retrieve things for some of the nurses when they need them, so hopefully I'll be able to help them when it comes to that regard in the future. I also feel like I get along well with the nurses, and while I do feel left out of their conversations about adult life sometimes, I can get a word in here and there and have a good laugh with them, which certainly makes it easier to be around the workplace (especially since I was nervous about interacting with the employees). When pets are brought in I tend to ask what they're in for unless it's already been asked by someone else, and I'll often wander around and watch things that are going on, and the doctors and nurses will explain what's going on upon being prompted, and sometimes on their own too. While I feel like my job isn't a big one, I do feel like I've had a lot of fun and if I make more of an effort I'll be able to do more to help out around the workplace.


  1. Excellent entries, very detailed and descriptive. What sort of tasks will you be focused on? I look forward to hearing more about your experiences.

    Sorry about overdressing.

  2. You should ask for more things to do if you think your jobs not significant enough. Thats what i would do at least.
