Thursday, January 14, 2010


In the interview I eventually have with my mentor or coworker, I would like to learn what caused him or her to pursue his/her field of work. I would also like to know what his/her most interesting experience working in their field is, and what the most challenging thing that he's had to do is. I'd also like to know about his/her past work life; whether he just opened the vet clinic or where he worked before he did, and how long he's been operating this clinic, etc.

Naturally, veterinary hours are hectic. You never know when there's going to be something going on - there are a lot of call-ins, and a lot of pets who have scheduled appointments. It would be best to speak to my mentor about what times he is available or not currently occupied, and if needs be, allow him to go back to whatever he was doing with his patients should the need arise. (after all, the pets are more important than my work.)

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