Monday, January 18, 2010

INTERNSHIP BLOG #...5, I think

Project Description
Internship Site: Bay Park Pet Clinic
Department: Veterenary
Project Title: Observational Knowledge
General Description: Student will learn about the regular procedures, supplies, terms and knowledge surrounding the operations of a veterenary clinic.
Learning Objectives: Expand knowledge of regular operations and medical terms, as well as get a feel for the atmospheric pressure and general basis of applying knowledge of systematic terms to a real situation. Also, implementation of basic social communication skills, and ability to recognize the required processes of working in a medical enviornment.
Organizational Benifits: Another helping hand around the area; due to insurance and safety reasons this is limited to the retrieval of supplies, relaying of information, etc. I am not allowed to hold the animals while they are being poked with needles and the like in case they attack me.
Schedule: ...? While I'm there?
Academic Skills: Thinking and processing, the ability to retain knowledge and apply it to a real-world situation. Biology must be known in order to understand the basic workings of the workplace.
Technical Skills: ...?
Collab. Skills: Communication is a must! You have to be able to talk to the people there about different things, lest you lose track of important information.
Exhibition Plans: Display a presentation of what I know and have learned. Show pictures when applicable (privacy means not many).
Schedule/Timelines: ---

Week in Review
Monday/Tuesday: Absent; ill
The week itself was interesting. I saw everything from a doggie getting his back sewn up to a kitty with lupis to a doggie with diabetes to a K-9 root canal to doggie neuters and spays to an oral endoscopy! The oral endoscopy was probably the best part though; the dog had eaten a paper towel and some sort of round ball toy that we actually pulled out of his stomach! As the week progressed I started to become more useful, fetching supplies and getting things for nurses and doctors as they needed them. Working with others is really no problem for me, since the people there are very nice and friendly. I think the worst part, though, was having an old doggie move on to the other side... It was just very sad, and everyone was just... silent for a while, not really saying anything... Then we had to pick ourselves up and carry on with the day and the animals that were coming in. Today (yes, I worked on MLK day to make up for being sick on Monday and Tuesday) was also pretty interesting, and I got to see a kitten neuter (and the first pet freak out after anaesthetics), as well as the removal of a growth of fat under a dog's skin. Things were kinda slow today though, probably because of the rain.

Sorry this is late, I wanted to take today's events into consideration while writing it.


  1. That's cool. I assume you like to work with animals. Do you think you'd like to be a vet when you get older?

  2. I have sort of the same question as Calvin, is being a veterinarian a profession that you're interested in? Your posts are really detailed, and your internship sounds interesting!
