Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog #15- Possible MSB Products

Art Piece:
>A painting or colored picture depicting how polluted water affects the human body, whether through illnesses, therefore addressing the sub-question of "How does the water pollute us?".
>An example I could use is in this clip, featuring spiders getting high. This video provides a good example of the way that sudden changes to your body can affect your normal system of functioning.
>I could take the specific effects, only for an art piece I'd need a visual representation of them, and place them in the image to show how the body is affected.
>Instead of spiders for the Canadian Wildlife I would use people for the human... wildlife... or something along those lines anyway. This would be done to show the connection between humans and the water, similar to how they showed the similar effects spiders had to the drugs.
>I could also draw the picture in stages- for instance have a diagram or multiple pictures- that detail the adding in of the water and then how the body deteriorates from there. (For instance, the stages of giardia, etc.)

Stop Motion Video:
>A stop motion video depicting people polluting the water and then being affected by the pollution itself in the long run, also answering the question "How does the water pollute us?" but also answering "How do we pollute the water?"
> This video provides a good example of stop-motion, which I could apply the principles of to a stop motion video that I might make.
>The effect of swapping real items with drawings on the board would be interesting to experiment with and might make the video more meaningful.
>The consistency in the artwork would be a good idea to work with - inconsistency would not be a good thing to be working with, especially for stop motion, which would have to flow together well in order to make a good video.
>However, I would try and keep the camera more steady than it was in the video to make it look more professional - have a friend with a tripod or use one myself, for instance.

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