Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog #11- In Which Questions Are Asked

Question #1-
-> How does pollution affect surfers?
-> Being in polluted waters as often as they are will naturally have negative impacts - apparently, Chris Olivas got sick last year and I know I got sick from swimming in Mission Bay.

Question #2-
-> How does pollution affect the animals, and vise versa?
-> Animals are affected by the trash on the beaches, but they also might be contributing to it or helping clean it up (by bringing it to their young, thereby making a cycle). It would be interesting to illustrate how these things are related.

Question #3-
-> How does all the pollution come back to us?
-> I think people would be more inclined to do something if there was some sort of visible consequence. And by visible, I mean something they can actually see - not people saying 'The water will run out' or people saying 'We'll all die', but something tangible, that people can actually be motivated by to say 'I should do something, if not for the environment then for myself.'

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