Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog #17- In Which A List is Made

The following is a list of organizations I could work with for the MStB project.

1. Tree People
Contact Page
Tree People is an organization dedicated to the bettering of our planet. They have a division dedicated to solutions to many water problems, including runoff into the rivers, bays, streams, oceans, etc. Some of their ideas include 'Graywater' solutions, and reusing the water that has already been used for other purposes. As far as who I'd want to interview, I would probably want to interview someone who's in charge of that category; or who works with that category, to see what they say about the water in San Diego County. 'Media Inquiries' might be a good place to start, and I could go from there.

2. San Diego County Water Authority
I would want to speak to the person who monitors our water and see what they have to think about the way we treat it ; and in asking them about the way we treat it, ask them if there is any way to fix this problem. It would be a good idea to get information on the quality of the water, how people treat it, and how we can stop them from treating it this way.

3. Project Clean Water
Pueblo Watershed Page
I was looking into the Pueblo Watershed, because that is the watershed that I live in. Naturally, people who have taken it upon themselves to make sure that the water is clean and are monitoring the watersheds would have information on what kind of stuff ends up in said watersheds and thus would have ideas on how we can possibly fix it.

The following is a list of governmental figures or agencies that I could look into to see how they affect the water, or probably more accurately, how they don't affect the water.

1. City of San Diego | Water Department
Water Department Webpage
The Water Department in the city of San Diego is most likely in charge of... well, that's the thing, I'd like to see what they actually do. All I've ever seen from them is notices that say "This water is contaminated, don't go into it." And I don't think people even heed those warnings. So I'd like to see what they actually DO, and if they don't do anything, I could add how that affects the water.

2. San Dieguito Water District
Figure Webpage
I am not sure what this counts as but it looks like a governmental figure of some sort, and that means I could question his motives and what he wants from world domination... wait, wrong topic. Anyway, I could ask him what he thinks about the water situation and what kind of things he thinks could fix it or absolutely destroy it to aid his plans for total aquatic domination.

3. County of San Diego
Long Link Coverage is a GO
This would probably fit under the classification of 'Meant to be taking care of the water but is failing to do so'... or something. I'm not sure. Either way, it would make for good research to see what they have to say about the water in San Diego County, be it near where I live or in some other area close by. It would also be good for potential information seeking to see what kind of stuff would come up from their research, as comparisons to what I come up with in mine.

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