Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blog #5- Work Examples

Work Example #1- Lynn Le's Interview

I absolutely love the long and elaborate introduction for her interview - I feel like it really sets the scene and gives you a good idea of what kind of a person her mentor is. I will admit that I felt like it was a little bit long (and sometimes I found myself mentally screaming to get on with it), but at the same time, if it were to be cut down, I feel like it would lose some of its impact. I also like how the interview is ended- on a more casual note, rather than some awkward ending.

Work Example #2- Emilie Colwell's Interview

I like how Emilie included the actions of her mentor in the interview by putting them in brackets, like so - [pauses to pick up and take a bite out of some bread]. It gives a feel for what the mentor is doing and how they react to the questions, or how they feel while they're being interviewed. Although, I probably would have written it more like [she paused to take a bite out of some bread] instead of just saying what I did earlier, so that it's more evident that this is an action.

Work Example #3- Audrey Le's Photo Essay

I like the way that Audrey works through her photo essay (it does bug me that she swaps from third to first person midway through the first paragraph though). She links everything through the underlying theme of what needs what to work, and what ends up coming from that work. She links water to power, to the energy needed for her laptop, etcetera... everything is brought together by this theme of what is brought about by other things, and how everything just falls into place together.

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