Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #22- In Which Organizations are Researched

Name: United Port of San Diego
Mission Statement: One of the Port of San Diego's many responsibilities is to protect the bay and its resources. We invite you to look through our website to see how the Port is strengthening its role as an environmental steward and find out what you can do to help.

->This is either a local or state issue; the poaching of an endangered species of sea turtles, which is trying to be banned by this group.
->This is probably a federal government thing, because the group is working with the navy to record information on different birds and fish that live in the area.

Name: San Diego Clean Coalition
Mission Statement: The San Diego Clean Beach Coalition is a collaboration of local non-profit organizations and city agencies focused on coastal stewardship, raising awareness of beach litter issues, and preventing marine debris.

->This article details plans that the organization has to work with the local governments to make the water a better place.
->This article gives plans for cleanup ideas on Independence Day (and forward) that would require government input to put into effect.

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