Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Dr. Crosby Roper, V.M.D. C.V.A.
Bay Park Pet Clinic
1102 Morena Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92110-3809

Mentor Interview
Me: Why did you decide to pursue a career in veterinary medicine?
Dr. Roper: I had an epiphany when I was in 10th grade. I was walking home from school, and it just came to me. It may have to do with my having a friend who lived on a farm, and seeing a vet who came out there and did all kinds of cool things.
Me: Why did you decide to pursue veterinary acupuncture?
Dr. Roper: I was tired of throwing medicine at old dogs and it just not working. I would recommend that the owners take the dogs to see a vet who specialized in acupuncture up in Kengsington, and the people just loved it.
Me: Where did you work before you purchased Bay Park Pet Clinic?
Dr. Roper: I worked at the Cabrillo vet clinic, and I also did some on-call jobs before I bought Bay Park Pet Clinic.
Me: What is the most interesting thing you've encountered?
Dr. Roper: It just depends on what you're doing. Endoscopies are always interesting, since you never know what you'll find. One time, we had a kitten who had been chronically vomiting for six months, and we were about to put him down, but we decided to do an endoscopy, and we found a toy mouse caught in his small intestine.

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