Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blog #9

One could argue that the freedoms involved in the production of Ampersand are not at all necessary and that we should have a strict schedule involved in its production, with something that needs to be accomplished each and every day.

One could argue that this is a completely stupid idea.

The freedoms that have been given to us with Ampersand have been something that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Give me a lot of due dates and I will freak out, wondering when I'll ever have time to work on that with everything else that's going on in my life. Give me a rough outline and say 'Okay, you should have this done by then, do what you want to get to this point' and I'll say "Okay, sounds good" and get right on doing that. I work better with very lose guidelines and when I can make my own work schedule, and when I can govern what I do when.

Structure, though... I would like more time to work on it in class instead of all this historical and Grapes of Wrath stuff we're getting into. It's like... "Okay, we're talking, we're talking, can I please do work on other things now?" I really don't like that we don't have much time to do work on it during class, when really we should have a lot of time... and as an editor I feel like there's not really much of a specific time when I'm supposed to go up to the people whose articles I'm editing and say "Hey, how are you doing? Anything I can help you with?" etcetera...

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