Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog #9- Media Saves the Beach in the News

"Even with the recent storms, the risk of drought in Los Angeles is not over. According to the California Department of Water Resources, the water content in California’s mountain snowpack, a vital source of drinking water for the state, is at 55 percent of average for this time of year. The long-term forecast for our region is for increasing periods of dryness. At the same time, the rain that does fall is usually conveyed through storm drains out into the ocean where it creates a pollution hazard."

To go to the original article, click here.

The issue is that there is not enough water in LA and the water that does come is creating a hazard for the oceans and pollution. More information, naturally, can be found in the article, but it can also be found at TreePeople's website, the organization that is trying to provide more ways to make things more environmentally friendly for the world. The story relates to our class and Media Saves the Beach because it is essentially a project to help stop pollution and which would help with water-testing in the world.

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